Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Simply Incredible!

I cannot express in words what an amazing time I had with the Martinsen’s in Costa Rica! It was the perfect refresher for me. Besides constantly laughing at Abram, squeezing and kissing Emma and Lora to death because they are seriously the cutest things to walk this planet, talking about life with Mother and Father Martinsen, and many late nights of playing hand and foot,  I had so many incredible once in a life time experiences with Mariah!

There is nothing more breath taking then galloping horses down the beach! Partly because I could not breath since I was laughing so hard watching Mariah, I though I was going to fall off for sure. Every time I even I even looked at her I bursted out laughing. I don’t really know why but the whole situation seemed funny not to mention we were bouncing all over and Mariah’s horse had a little mind of his own. As Mariah said “he is like a touchy car”! It was simply amazing though! I will seriously never forget it!

Later that day we also went surfing! Lets just say Mariah and I are not going into surfing as a profession or anything! It was really fun though when I did get it! Except I got smashed around in the water way more!

Once we were down surfing we drove down to another beach and the waves were INCREDIBLE!!!! I cant even describe how much fun we had! Miah, Abram and I went out and literally just rode and dived through all the waves! We would take turns doing “tricks” I guess through them! In the water they have “Sea Lice” which is jelly fish eggs floating around! And when they touch you it stings SOOO bad! So we all were covered ! But we were having so much fun we didn’t get out of the water! So we would just scream all the time and itch all over! We were laughing so hard! It was hilarious! People probably thought we were crazy!

So the next day Mariah and I seriously could NOT move! I have never been so sore in my entire life! Our backs and bums were super sore from the horses and arms were sore from surfing! Then I was all sun burnt so it hurt to move and Mariah feel crab catching so she was all bruised up! It was quite hilarious actually! So in the morning we just rested and tried to stand up for starters! Finally we geared up and went zip lining! It was so enjoyable! We got to up side down on two of them and it was fun zipping through the luscious green Costa Rican trees!

On Saturday Mariah’s branch  had a YSA activity, so though we did not really feel like going we figured we would because it was only a couple of hours! Well, when we got on the bus we found it was ALL day! 8am-7pm! So we were stuck in the middle of the jungle with 30 people that did not speak English! (well 2 did) HA. Well lets just say we both ended up having an awesome time! We went on a hike to a water fall, rode horses, held a parrot, played games and danced! Those Latin boys really know how to dance let me tell you! And once again every time I looked over at Mariah I would burst out laughing! The guys we were dancing with were just salsa dancing us all over the tiny dance floor! HA.

It was also super funny because they all wanted picture with us white girls! Ha. We were both in ponytails, shorts and t- shirts and were taking all these pictures with these guys! And the way they said our names cracked me up! They were always like 

Just on a side not though, all the games they played were ones that would be considered “stupid” for people their age in the US! Like hot potato, and wheel barrow races! But I have never seen people so happy in my life! They LOVED every second of it and were constantly laughing! It really makes you see how hard these people work and that they cherish every little moment! I just loved them!

So Sunday comes and both Mariah and I wake up super sick! We think it was from drinking non-pure water at the activity! So I was super out of it and became good friends with the bathroom! HA! We still went to church though! Their branch is so cute! Everyone just came up and kissed my cheek like we were best friends! I couldn’t really understand much but it was really neat just being their! So many amazing people!

Finally on Monday we went to the beach and played, laid out, and read! Then that night we went to have a bonfire on the beach! It was amazing! The sun was setting and the sky was gorgeous! The weather could not have been more perfect! We made s’mores and just hung around and talked! Then we went to go look for sea turtles! The moon was full so even though it was dark they sky was light up with it and the stars which were amazing! Mariah and I laid on the beach and starred at them and talked about our futures! I honestly cannot explain how incredible it was! Breathtaking! Anywho we saw two sea turtles heading back to the ocean! I touched on of them! Then we also saw one covering up her eggs! We sat and watched her from about 20 minutes! It was quite the experience! Nothing like it! It was a perfect night!

I honestly had the best time in Costa Rica! So many incredible memories! The Martinsen's are such an incredible family and I am so blessed to have Mariah as a best friend! They have so much love for each other and have such wonderful hearts! I seriously have not laughed that hard in a long time too and I LOVED it! That was certainly one of the best weeks ever! 


  1. Amy this post makes me sooo happy! I am SO glad that you had a blast in Costa Rica! That is an experience of a lifetime! Love ya

  2. Love you too Amy!! I am SOO glad you came and we got to do so many fun things. You're the best!!

  3. having you here was so wonderful! the house feels a little empty without you....not for long though, Alex comes tomorrow!!! yay!!! You are the best Amy. We love you!
    -mom martinsen

  4. Amy that's so awesome! I'm glad you had such a fun time! I love you girls!
