Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Incredibly blessed

Its incredible the amount of blessings we are given each day. Just looking around at all the blessings and opportunities we are given takes my breath away. I seriously have SO much to be thankful for. Not to mention the fact that I don't have to live day to day! I have never had to worry about not eating for a day, or having to find somewhere to take a shower. I have always had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in and though at many times I take if for granted, for that I could not be more thankful! 

So yesterday I was flipping around and came across this show called "Secret Millionaire" Its amount millionaires who go to impoverished areas pretending to have just moved in. They actually live there for one week off of $40. Then during this time they ask around and meet local people who help out in the community. There were SO many incredible people who gave all their heart and soul to helping other people. They themselves had almost nothing and yet they still give to others. They had a passion for what they were doing and showed a genuine love for helping people. At the end of the week when she presented them all with money, words can seriously not describe the appreciation they had. 

Its warms my heart to see these people who have nothing themselves giving and helping those around them. Trying to get a better life, working for it. It makes me wonder what I would be like if I was in that situation? I would like to think that I would work hard and try to make a better living for myself and others. Yet I will never know, I could just be a lazy bum who waits for others to help, but it defiantly makes you wonder. I just am honestly SO happy for those people, who work so hard to better their selves and their life. Also those that give so graciously to others. Their are so many incredible people in this world and they are the true people that should be looked up to. Those who have nothing yet still give all the love they have! They are the ones who are truly succeeding in life! 

Service is such an incredible thing and I really want to start doing more! 

And I really recommend the show! You should HULU it! It warms your heart! 



  2. ah I love this post! It just makes me happy. You're so positive and it is exactly the person I need/want to be around... so glad you're coming soon!!! Oh and I love that you're bags are already packed.. haha. Its going to be awesome.
