Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random bits.

My blog has been somewhat neglected the past week. 
Mostly because I have been crazy busy with finals, papers, tests.. you know..College stuff. 
... but partly because I could not think of anything to write. 
So her is a bit of randomness going through my mind: 

I can't believe I am almost done with my freshmen year. I know I say this all the time but time has FLOWN. I can't decide if I am happy or sad! Well.. of course I am happy because being sad won't get me anywhere! But lets just say I enjoyed my year here in Maine. 

I am really sick right now. You are all probably sick of hearing me talk about school!  But this past week I  stressed myself out SO bad. I probably spent more time telling people I didn't want to write my history paper then actually writing it! THUS.. I stressed out and got super sick. So currently I am sitting in bed with a half empty box of tissues by my side. Basically the state I have been in all day. Minus the test I took. 

I am SUPER blessed. Everyday I am just in SHOCK about all the wonderful things I have in my life. It is quite incredible. I love those moments when you just sit and get giddy over all your blessing. I surly have many to be thankful for. 

I am going to do my last load of laundry here tomorrow. Super pumped. 

The boys are currently in Missouri right now. They drove 14 hours today and are driving 15 tomorrow. They are suppose to get here Friday night. I can't believe this is actually happening. I still feel like it is not real! We have LOTS of fun things planed. :) I am sure thats all the next few posts will be about. So be ready for lots of stories and pictures.  

Yesterday was my last day at work. All the kids made me cards. It was really cute! I am going to miss those kiddo's. Good thing I have the same job next year! :) Cross your figures they learn to not scream so loud anymore. HA. 

I NEED to start running again. I have been really bad about exercise. So all my arizona friends.. be ready to wake up super early and beat the 110 degree heat with me! Or.. we can ZUMBA. 

I have a problem at laughing at myself! I don't know why i think I am so hilarious when no one else does...  but I do. I feel like if I were a caveman I would do just fine with entertaining myself because I literally just lay in bed and laugh! Kinda embarrassing but last week I went to the improv show and so now I have been playing all the improv games with myself. My favorite is called "Rap it" and you are just doing something then randomly you start rapping about it! HAHA. You should hear me in the the shower. I am a BEAST haha. Fun huh? 

Well tooties! Those are all my thoughts for right now at 1:18 in the morning! 
Off to get some shut eye and nip this cold i have in the bud. 
{is it bud or butt? I don't know.. but you know what i mean} :) 


  1. Haha! Amy I cannot WAIT to hear about all your adventures next week! I wish I could be there to join you! And guess what? It has only been in the 70's here... knock on wood and maybe it will stay that way until you get back! AND... You're not alone. I think you're hilarious too. :) I laughed the whole way through this post! I love you!

  2. Amy, you don't only make yourself crack me up too!! By the is "bud" not butt. ha ha
    ok well I only one more day to relax and then you are off on your adventure right??? ahhh....AMy, you are going to give me more gray hairs.
    I still love you though.
