Saturday, February 5, 2011

What the future holds...

I often wonder what my life will consist of in 10 years, 20 years, 30 and so forth. 
I have all these dreams of doing all these amazing things. 
It may be a generalization but I would say that most 
EVERYONE wants to make a difference in the world. 

In my mind I can just see myself being crazy busy, running here and there, doing all this non-profit work and service ALL the time. 
Then I think of all the WORK that goes into making a change. 
It does simply not just come because you want it to come. Its hard work.
We live in such a fast moving society that people forget you can't have things simply because you want them.

For instance the TOM shoes business has taken off. The idea that when you buy a pair of shoes another goes to someone without them. To us in America it is simple. Pull out the credit card and we are helping others. Yet all those people that started out the business and to do HOURS of hard work to make this happen, its probably not easy for them. I bet in the beginning they put so much time into it and often though it would never work. We have to push through that idea,for when the going gets tough and the tough gets going.

It worries me that one day that  when I have my six little kids I want that I will become so wrapped up in my own life and that I will forget about others. 
YES it is extremely important to put your family first and they always will be, but if I just do everything for them, how is that helping the rest of society? 
Life gets crazy when you have kids. Sports, school, clubs, classes. Times are busy. But throughout all those times I want to make sure that I do things for others too. 

There are SO many amazing organizations out there to help people. However they didn't just pop up on their own. It takes a person to have hard work and determination to do it. Or the world will never change. I am not trying to CHANGE the world in every way, I don't want to be superman. But do little things to help. Make it better then it is. At this point it sounds so easy to be able to help out and do all these awesome things.
Yet it is hard work. 
And at times when I do hard things I certainly want to give up. 
You have to push through those times though when things are not working. Take the bumps in the roads and use them to help you for your future. As I am here in college I think I am constantly so busy, but all the things are  always things for myself. My life revolves to much around me. 
I don't want that. 

This probably makes no since at all. It does in my mind.
So sorry if you don't understand it. 
Basically I just don't want to just sit back and do the same thing day after day. 
Not improving at all, myself or others just rather just getting by. 
Its hard work, but I want to do it. 

I want to make a difference. 

1 comment:

  1. Amy! I love you and I love reading your blog! I have been thinking about this so much lately... this making a difference stuff! Because some days I go to bed thinking, wow I didn't accomplish anything today! Even though I did, I just didn't do anything to make a change in somebody's life. And then I thought... what am I going to do when I'm a mom? Will I always feel like this? And THEN I thought.... raising kids IS changing the world! Silly me :) But I know what you mean about helping other people too. And it doesn't just happen... you really really have to work! I know that from doing Firefly - it takes time and effort to make a big difference, but you have to start somewhere. :)
