Saturday, September 10, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

Well going off the whole "Daybook" thing I decided to make my own little Awkward and awesome for the week. The first full week of school that is :) So this probably wont be that great but hey... its procrastination from doing work, so all is well. 
  • Running 6 miles in the rain, then going straight to class all soaking wet. Let me tell you.. sitting in class for three hours with soaking wet socks, clothes and hair is basically the DEFINITION of fun. Not to mention the fact that you smell like a wet dog to everyone around you, and look like one too. hA.
  • Falling off your bike while trying to carry your sleeping bag, and other camping stuff. {cue applause now}Then trying to make it look like it was on purpose.. Yeah. Let me tell you, doesn't look even MORE dumb.
  • The 30 seconds {that feel like FOREVER} in which you sit at dinner alone because you got your food faster then your friend. Trying to decide if you should walk back up to pretend to grab one more thing or just sit there like a loser. I am telling you people EVERY TIME this goes through my head of what to do. Tonight... I just sat like a loser. 
  • Calling your dad and once again having someone else answer the phone... after repeatedly telling him not to have strangers answer his phone. This time it was just another hitch hiker he picked up and drove with for two hours. Then me awkwardly not knowing what to say.. "uh.. so you having a fun time with my dad?"
  • Watching a drunk boy throw up, while locking up my bike. Seriously it was like Niagara Falls coming out that boys mouth. {sorry if that was T.M.I. I just wanted to paint a clear picture} Once again I am questioned with do I go help him? Cause his friends surly aren't. Or do I follow their lead and let him be?? I am telling you people, these are things I can go without seeing. 
  • Going to the gym then eating three cookies right after. Come on Amy. Get your act together.. Yo Fat is not going to eat itself.... if only though. Cause that would be SWEET!
  • Losing my "One Card" for the second time in a week. 
  • Finding my "One Card" in the middle of the street. After a brief moment of panic and retracing my steps of course. 
  • Getting a package with Paradise Bakery Cookies, a letter from Jackson and Alex and Abbie's wedding Invitation all in the same day :) 
  • Speaking of Weddings.. Bree and Stewart are getting Married TODAY. Chelsea and Trent are getting married next week and Alex and Abbie the week after! Oh goodness. I am sad to be missing them all but SO flippin excited for them. LOVE IS IN THE AIR my friends. 
  • The fact that no matter where you cross, cars ALWAYS stop for you whenever you need to cross the road.... I may or may not, take advantage of this a wee little bit.. I just like crossing the street. 
  • Having my own bathroom!!! YEAHHHHH {Crowd goes crazy with excitement} Can i just tell you that one role of toilet paper can last A LOONNGGG time for just one person. Who would have thought?
  • My friend Clare yelling HI to me out the window of an apartment. I don't know why... there is just something about yelling out windows that makes me excited. When I have a house one day I am going to yell at everyone that passes by. {I have a feeling I am going to embarrass my kids a lot too} hA. 
  • The fact that tomorrow is Sunday, which means I get to skype McKenzie! {Even though I communicate with her everyday.. Skype means I get to look at that beaUTIFUL face of hers} along with my other jolly AZ friends.
  • That I absolutely LOVE my job working at the daycare. Cutest little nuggets ever.
  • That life is FREAKING WONDERFUL 

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