Monday, March 7, 2011

Awkward Childhood!

Some people have an awkward stage! I had an entire awkward childhood! And teenage hood! ha! I seriously was looking through all our family christmas pictures and in every single one I am so weird! 

This one just makes me laugh! I am holding this huge cat and my brother is wearing roller skates on a horse! ha! 

Okay.. uhhh.. I don't think I knew what a hair brush was! And look at all the band aids on my legs! I seriously though they were so cool so I would wear them for fun! 

EWWWW.... Ha! Everything about this picture is gross! We have a horse and pig butt! Plus a dog cover in mud! Then I am there with braces, pants past my belly button and hair slicked back and parted down the middle! 

Oh but don't worry! I eventually just wore Pokemon stuff for like 6 months! Thats not uncool at all! Ha! 

1 comment:

  1. Amy! Don't be so harsh on yourself! Haha, we all looked awkward as children. You're so cute!
